Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Developing Guidance on the next step to a hybrid working model with public service organisations across Wales
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I support the public sector in Scotland in the delivery of smarter working type initiatives. My main interest is in the cultural aspects of work and how to work with people to ensure you create the best outcome. We have recently been developing a post COVID-19 view of smarter working which we are terming New Frontiers and focuses on the workplace and workforce of the future.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I am the office/ops manager and currently working to redesign how our building functions into a smarter working environment
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Always a fan of smarter working principles and working productively and sustainably while being a part of the world around us
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I am currently working on and managing the Implementation of a future way of working strategy with my council.
Bastian Altrock
Job Title Future Working and Corporate Sustainability Manager
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I look after all things Future Working for Scottish Forestry, from the estate strategy to interior design to policy, procedure and guidance on how we work. I also look after all corporate sustainability activities in the organisation as the two areas are so closely linked.
Phil Armstrong
Job Title Workplace and Employee Experience Manager
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I co-lead the Workplace and Employee Experience team in the Environment Agency. Our role is to advise the organisation on the holistic factors which influence what it is like to work here. We are developing an updated flexible working framework and keen to be part of the network of like minded smart working practitioners.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I am passionate about leadership and HR issues because I believe that making people feel good is a very strong competitive advantage for organizations. Today i'm involved in awareness program doing the smartworking a positive habits et not only a trend connected to covid. Only so it will create the new leadership model and the new engagement in the professional environment
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: NEUWORK creator and Author of "Einfach Anders Arbeiten" & eco Expert for Online Work & speaker on many Events.
Detlev is a Communication Architect and he helps within the area of "Bricks, Bytes & Behavior" to setup companies with "Smart Work" – Detlev focus a lot on the German spoken market
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: As a result of my research work, I do design and consultancy work to achieve buildings that focus on people wellness. It allows to increase the productivity, well-being, and creativity of the employees and save on costs and be socially responsible to the companies, which has repercussions on proven and quantifiable economic benefits.
CBRE Lab is a people-centred innovation space that integrates research processes through co-creation, exploration, experimentation and evaluation of innovative ideas, scenarios, concepts and technological artefacts in real-life use cases. From CBRE Lab I contribute to the positioning of CBRE as a leader in Real Estate research.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I'm Head of Workplace for a large facilities management company. I'm responsible for helping our existing customers to deliver workplace change / smart working programmes. I'm further interested in helping ourselves post covid to make these changes.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Within Sheffield City Council we are thinking about how we can best work in the future, and embed culture changes from the COVID pandemic into our organisation. I am one of the project managers working on the Workplace of the Future programme which aims to design future ways of working in the organisation, both for a short-term return to the workplace and a longer-term strategy.
Julian Balaam
Job Title Lead Relationship Manager, Digital Spaces
Organisation Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I work in the Digital part of DWP and am part of a team that designs and maintains workspaces that provide great colleague experiences for our people.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I lead the Smarter Working team at RWM who recently won an award from the NDA and was shortlisted for a recent Government award. We align with PAS3000 and look to continually improve
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I work in HR Corporate roles for more than a decade by now and recently we were exploring the opportunity of establishing a SW project for a larger population of our employees, than Covid came and we had to accelerate the process under pandemic circumstances. Netafim is a Company of Orbia Group a Purpose driven organization with +22k employees all around the World.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Having worked with People/Place/Process for 30 years I have a fascination for the constant beta mode that we are always in. As an organisation we shifted to 'remote-first' in 2021 and are always testing different technologies and furniture in order to be able to promote them to our clients as they travel the same path.
Jenny Baynes
Job Title Head of Business Change – smarter working
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I work for the Government Property Agency, my team is responsible for implementing smarter working across government by 2022.
I lead on the business change element which includes areas such as , leadership, culture, process redesign, learning and development and engagement
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Hi Andy I have talked to Paige and she said it is probably interesting for me to join.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I am currently the smarter working lead within Ofgem and we have successfully achieved a mature status for the PAS3000 Smarter working initiative. Smarter working is an ever evolving process as we look to continuously improve how to deliver the best of our staff.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Supporting creation of sound and sustainable human habitats. Strategist, educator and team leader working primarily with office environments.
Continuously following various trends about the future of work, while also supporting networks and events that facilitate the development.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I work for the Smarter Worker Team which is playing an assurance role in the Implementation of Smarter Working across the DWP
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: The events in 2020 has made every organisation consider their future operational needs and how their property portfolio will support their business.
The new norm will inevitably entail some change and that entails establishing a vision and then implementation to enable the organisation to flourish and thrive.
The key factor is maintaining business as usual whilst planning and implementation any changes.
For over a decade I have supported business leaders to scope, plan and deliver similar changes in central government agencies, London boroughs, NHS Trusts, and global occupiers.
My role has been providing leadership to develop the strategy and bring together the right skills to deliver the solution.
The core work streams I lead on are;
• Adopting agile working,
• Integrated asset management,
• Statutory compliance, and
• Procurement and commercial governance.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Da sempre cerco di sviluppare progetti di smart working, dapprima nel settore pubblico (Provincia autonoma di Trento) e ora nel privato. Ritengo lo sw uno strumento fondamentale per lo sviluppo organizzativo, digitale e delle competenze dell'azienda. In tsm oggi lo sw è previsto per il 99i dipendenti ed è concepito in maniera flessibile, con un minimo di otto giorni mensili fruibili anche ad ore (attualmente abbiamo previsto fino a fine anno un aumento di ulteriori 4 gionate mensili) . Annualmente facciamo una survey per verificare l'andamento e l'efficacia dell'applicazione concreta dello sw nella società. Allo sw affianchiamo flessibilità oraria, in parte differenziata in base ai ruoli aziendali, e un'importante valorizzazione della conciliazione lavoro/famiglia, intesa in senso ampio. Faccio parte dell'advisory board dell'Osservatorio smart working del Politecnico di Milano.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: We have adopted a number of the Smart Working principles and are currently exploring what the new hybrid mode of working will mean for the way our office is designed.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Promoting smarter working and in particular from estate perspective, changing culture to embrace benefits of smarter working and shared space as opposed to individual desks/offices
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Develops and Renovates working space for both Internal staff within the organisation and external organisations.
Pierre Bur
Job Title VP Product and Purchase
Organisation Exertis Connect
Interests Remote Working,Thought Leadership
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: As manager of various teams I am driving associates working remotely
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I've taken over from Jenny Baynes on the GPA Smarter Working Programme, we are supporting the civil service to adopt smarter working.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Interested in the next generation of office design where each individual can perform at their best
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Since 2014 I have been involved with the implementation of Smart Working at Defence Science and Technology Laboratory. We are based in Salisbury, Fareham and Sevenoaks. Towards the end of 2019 beginning of 2020 we managed to adopt a Smart Working model within the workplace for 90% of the business. At that time we engaged outside consultants to assist us with the Cultural change required for the Business to truly adopt many of the principles required for a successful transition to Smart Working. COVID 19 has accelerated the previous culture of people not being able to work where they wanted/needed and has assisted the Cultural development across the Business. I do hope we can assist people to really think about their choices of where and when to work in a post COVID world.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: HR professional with more than ten years of progressive experience as a Consultant and HR Manager for start-ups, family and multinational companies. Effective team leader with proven ability to transform business needs & goals into people strategies & HR actions thanks to my education and varied work experience.
Smart Working programme began with Covid-19, as we were not very used to work from home and or using tech advantages to work from other places out of our company. Nowadays, after giving the employees the tools to make it possible, we are more flexible on Smart Working, although the path is long to change the minset 🙂 Happy to be here with all of you. Kind regards, Beatriz
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Currently deploying corporate advanced collaboration based on MS teams. Willing to share and improve
Chiara Casadio
Job Title Senior Manager Talent & Development EMEA
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I have been involved in so many change projects over the years and have always brought a 'people-focused' element to discussions. At the Gallery we are building a new HUB to accommodate all employees in the one space. It's a journey of discovery for all of us but one I am really enjoying.
Stephen Collins
Job Title Head of Organisational Developement Projects
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I am part of the "Workplace of the Future in the European Commission", a group bringing together the Commission's HR, IT and logistics departments to propose new ways of working based around behaviours, bricks and bytes.
selene cooper
Job Title Project Manager
Organisation Dorset, Devon & Cornwall Police
Interests Remote Working
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Introducing smart working to Dorset Police and Devon & Cornwall Police but without any immediate intention of reducing our estate
Philip Cooper
Job Title Property and Space Manager
Organisation Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Worked on Smarter Working Programmes for past 6-7 years in different organisation. Current employment are more traditional in the culture of how they work, until the pandemic. Now beginning to implement full smarter working principles and creating foundations for each of the key workstreams of people, technology and space
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Founder of CMI Workplace in 2006 and now a consultant to the firm on all maters workplace design
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I am founder and Managing Director of Workplace Manager – formerly HOP Associates.
We are based in Cambridge and have developed a cloud-based service for real-time management of office space incorporating workplace booking, utilisation and employee wellbeing.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: More info on
I was the first "wellbeing director" in Belgium & author of 2 books on the importance of Investing in the wellbeing of employees
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: i´m engaging and enabling an national remote work / distributed workforce team since 2000 in my own corporate and engaging corporates
employee diagnostic for an remote work aptitude and atitude match
build successfull remote working capabilities, remote ready organisation and teams
how to unlock and build team- and corporate membership in remote teams
technical collaboration solutions and trends
personal growth and engagement in distributed and remote teams,
find the match between requirements of new work to role and responsability of new leadership
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Kent Police has adopted smarter worker across the organisation, which has seen a huge number of employees now working from home or agilely. As a result of this we have set up a staff support association of which I am Chair.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I'm am on a project that is examining how we can create a smarter working environment within Merseyside Police Service.
Pauline Ditte
Job Title Change Manager
Organisation General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Change Manager involved in several change projects among which possible implementation of Office 365 in the Council of the European Union
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: In recent years my programmes have become more focused on a model for Smart Change and Transition. The various businesses I have worked with have achieved excellent results through the utilisation of this model of excellence which bridges the great works of Andy Lake with William Bridges and various other approaches new and old.
Luis Duarte
Job Title Head of Corporate Real Estate and Facility Management
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Heading up the business change team of the GPA Workplace Experience team. We are delivering smarter working advice, guidance, tools and products across the public sector and beyond
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I'm leading our Future Ways of Working programme at Thames – how we emerge from the pandemic and adopt a hybrid approach.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I'm an independent OD consultant helping organisations to develop and implement future ways of working.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: In my role I'm leading on the transformation of our ways of working for our UK-based operations and employees. I am drafting and launching strategies and policies with smart working at the heart of them. We are moving away from our fixed office in London and moving into the brave new world of location-agnostic working.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Sono responsabile della FILT CGIL LIguria delle attività del settore Spedizionieri e Agenzie marittime, delega alla contrattazione collettiva aziendale e territoriale
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Smart Working lead at the Society of Authors. We're a very small but progressive organisation on our smart working journey.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I am editor of, a jobs and news site which focuses on best practice in flexible and family friendly working.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Addressing the impact of technological developments (esp. AI) on society and institutions from a policy-shaping perspective
Helen Gibson
Job Title Assistant Director HR & OD
Organisation Scottish Funding Council
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I lead the HR & OD function for a public body of 115 staff. We were previously located together in one office. Since March 2020 our office has been closed and we have been working from home with reasonable success. I am now tasked with leading on the development of new ways of working for the future to embrace the concept of hybrid working but in a way which works best for our organisation.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I'm the Smart Working Project leader for Thales Group. After initiatives in many counties the Project was kicked off at the Group level in September.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I believe smart working is the only way to be efficient, to progress and have life balance. I am not involved in any programme, but happy to contribute to the smart Work Network
Larisa Grizilo
Job Title Sr. HR & Corporate Communication Director
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: We are designing new way of work at the company, so I am more than interested in any best practices which we could incorporate in our new reality
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I am a change management practitioner about to embark on an estates programme, considering the geographical locations of offices and the ways we work, looking to capitalise on employee satisfaction benefits of flexible and smart working as well as commercial benefits.
Laura Hambley
Job Title President and Co-Founder
Organisation Work EvOHlution
Interests Remote Working,People & Culture
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I have been involved in research in this arena for 18 years, and been a pioneer consulting and offering assessments and development for leaders, teams, and employees through Work EvOHlution since 2014. People and Culture is definitely our focus as a team of Organizational Psychologists.
Natalie Hannigan
Job Title Programme Manager – Internal Improvement
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I am leading our internal improvement programme focused on 3 key areas; WoW (Ways of Working) to review and establish how we will operate as an organisation; Digital Transformation, to support and embed the digital technology and tools to support this and staff capacity and capability. This is leading in NHS in Scotland.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: To establish a modern future workplace and ensure employees are connected and collaborative regardless of location
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: EHS Manager responsibility for 9001,14001,45001 ISO Certification, Biodiversity and sustainability policies.
company direction on all sustainability and wellbeing.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I am working in the field of office acoustics and have interest both from an internal and external perspective.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I am leading on implementing the Hybrid Working Policy for my local authority.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I am supporting a programme that is looking at how we will work going forward with a more flexible/hybrid model.
Hugo Houppermans
Job Title Director
Organisation Coalitie Anders reizen (travel different)
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I am invited nu Marco van Gelder. I represent a network of 60 dutch corporates with the goal to reduce the carbon footprint on sustainable mobility and way of werking.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: JLR Smart Working programme has been running for a number of years and is developing with the changing world of COVID
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: As part of my role as director of strategic change and transformation programmes I've been leading Smart Working initiatives in Thales UK since 2017. We set the ambitious target of having 100% of our 7,000 employees (including those in manufacturing and engineering) working smart by the end of last year. I'm now running a follow-on phase to improve the team chartering process and strengthen team kick-off sessions. In particular we need to increase the focus on the customer and management by outcomes.
I'm delighted to work alongside Philip and Andy and to learn from their expertise as we launching this exciting new network across Europe. We have a bunch of enthusiastic and talented country leads and new members joining us every day… this is only the beginning!
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Workplace director, referent for Smart working protocols and workplace strategy,
Gudrun Ingvarsdottir
Job Title Project manager – work environment
Organisation Landsvirkjun (National energy company)
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: We at Landsvirkjun have a large network of power stations across Iceland as well as head quarters in Reykjavik. Due to mold discovered in the headquarters in 2023 the offices moved into an interim location and we are now planning what the future will look like.
Sandra Jackson
Job Title Portfolio Business Change Lead: Where and How We Work Portfolio
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I have been Dstl change lead for progression of smart working for some years and am soon moving over to work in this area in wider defence.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Programme Manager for New Ways of Working and Portfolio Manager of KCC's Office Portfolio
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: As Head of Digital Spaces I'm responsible for the workspace that Digital Group occupy and work in. This includes the workspace provision, ways of working and the introduction of hybrid/in-office working.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I am the Project Manger in the HMRC Transforming the Way We Work programme responsible for Where and How We Work and Smarter Working projects
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: We are currently looking to deliver smart working across our site, the work force is a mix of office based staff and onsite engineers / fitters so looking at getting the right balance and meeting everyone's expectations
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Since 2015 I have been leading on the implementation of smarter working and cultural change in Durham County Council.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Tom has a very practical client and colleague background having joined LBG in 2009 as a cashier and quickly progressing to a branch management position. Since then has had a varied career across the organisation in a number of engagement, leadership, culture and innovation roles.
Tom currently leads the Work: Lab at Lloyds Banking group which tests propositions for the future of work. He is passionate about using human innovation and the power of community to shape an inclusive future of work that focuses on creating a culture where everyone can be their best, find work life harmony and thrive at work.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: we had tried to work smart already before Corona, now we really work in a smart way
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I've been working in the field of Smart and Flexible Working since the mid-1990s. This has involved dozens of implementations, scoping and developing programmes, analysing the ways people work and occupy space, building the evidence-base for change, running training and cultural change activities.
I've also written extensively about smart working and researched its impacts on business, society and the environment. I founded the Smart Work Network in 2007.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Desk Management – Room Booking – Pool Car Booking – Building Services Management
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I want to learn and implement best practices
Marie-Véronique Lecomte
Job Title Program manager Digital
Organisation European Commission
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Introducing Microsoft O365 at the European Commission with change management associated
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Project Manager leading on delivery of smarter working and hybrid working across an upper tier Local Authority.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I am the head of unit for organisational development. One of our flagship projects is a pilot on New Ways of Working integrating the three pillars of bricks, bytes and behaviour.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I've been pushing the remote rock up the hill for nearly two decades. Now it's chasing me down the other side. I am currently working with a 65k person manufacturer, a 3.5k person global law firm, a 3k-person insurance company, and others in their return to office/hybrid workplace strategy.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: Supporting colleagues in working in agile environment, working from home and flexible working.
Brief details about yourself and the Smart Working programme you are involved in: I'm owner of a consultancy in the field of Human Ressoures and I'm specialized in educational institutions. Herein I enable organizations to find their right digitalization strategy focusing the culture of the organization concerning their developing programms for the employees by involving the theory of learning organization..